“life music”? wow, ok, that’s unbelievably pretentious, no
“compacted soil, compact disc”?? i guess that’s an option, sure
“college radio”? please keep trying
brainstorming for a new title continues. my transparency is that in the “maybe’s” i included above, i initially had one that i might actually end up going with, so i decided to withhold it from public view for a moment. if i were inadvertently teased it’d be completely over for me. so here are some nonsensical ones that i also don’t think work.
i know i feel this every week, and i put these together from the music i listen to so of course i should feel this way, but there’s some good things on the mix this week. i actually had these songs banked over the weekend, it was after doing so i considered the ways in which the week could play out and the idea of setting tunes to match that. i quickly decided not to respond to stimuli and keep what i had, minus a couple of swaps for personal preference reasons. ultimately, these tracks find me each week at whatever moment they do, and i enjoy then observing the ways they end up reflecting my current moment. i haven’t been saying much of anything at all the past few days, and i’m at peace with having these speak for me. whatever it is that they’re saying. one of them is instrumental. that one speaks for me most.
an hour of music as you get started with your day, updated weekly…